Jack-In-The-Box Set To Spring Into The Limelight In 201011

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For the umpteenth year we find ourselves pondering the plethora of Arsene Wengers young talents, wondering who will be the next starlet to cro s into the first team threshold.Carlos Vela, Denilson, Kieran Gibbs and Abou Diaby to name but-a-few have all made the Courtney Lee Jersey step up to the senior Arsenal squad in recent years, but none of the aforementioned quartet have been explosive in the way that Cesc Fabregas was when he burst onto the scene at the tender age of 16.But Jack Wilshere, the 18-year old midfielder, appears to be carving himself a niche as the next young prodigy to bring a wow-factor during the early years of his already blo soming career. He is undoubtedly Arsenals one-to-watch in 2010/11.The Stevenage-born youngster hit the headlines during the 2009 Emirates Cup, where he won back-to-back man of the match awards for his displays against Athletico Madrid and Rangers, scoring a brace in the latter.Wenger selected the rapidly maturing Wilshere for Arsenals Carling Cup outings during the Autumn, where he displayed a taste for the physical side of the English game; particularly in his sides defeat to Manchester City where he wasnt afraid to put his foot in.The clamour for Wilsheres signature during the January transfer window saw Owen Coyle land the Enlgand Under-21 International on loan for the remaining months of the 09/10 season, where he became adorned by the fans and integrated himself perfectly into the rigours of regular Premier League football.An invaluable piece of Coyles survival puzzle, Wilshere chipped inwith ana si s as well as grabbing a vital winner against fellow strugglers West Ham in a 2-1 victory.After returning to Arsenal with another Maxi Kleber Jersey impre sive Emirates Cup showing against Celtic expectations have been heightened. And Englands disastrous World Cup worked to Wilsheres gain as Fabio Capello selected the inventive playmaker for the friendly with Hungary at Wembley,as he seeks to sow the seeds for the future.Wilshere again exhibited his pa sion for a bone crunching tackle when he marked his international debut by landing a crunching tackle almost instantly after replacing Steven Gerrard.But the young Englishman, who looks like hes yet to use a razor, is ultimately about playing The Arsenal Way.Weaving runs, intricate pa sing, delicate touches and a cla sy finish are all part of the Wilshere armoury, and the similarities to the likes of Cesc Fabregas are plain to see. Such are the comparisons between he and the Gunners skipper, that speculation dictates that Wilshere will be the man to fill the Spaniards Nate Hinton Jersey considerable shoes when he eventually fulfils his evidently impending switch to Barcelona in the future.Under the tutelage of Arsene Wenger and surrounded by world cla s talents such as Andrey Arshavin, Fabregas and Robin van Persie this young man will improve, grow and mature intoa major player for the Gunners in years to come.But that development looks set to be with at the Emirates this season, after Wenger refused to loan his most exciting outu again saying that Wilshere will get chances in the first team this season.Ear marked as the future ofbothclub and country, much is expected of Wilshere this season; but dont bet against him achieving his target of a place in the Gunners first team and the England set up sooner rather than later.
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